It has been confirmed since this article was posted that this Bugatti Veyron is not a replica but an original.
Original Article:
If it wasn’t for the title of this post, I doubt you would have a clue that what you are looking at here is not a Bugatti Veyron, but a replica. Yes, a Bugatti Veyron replica. We have seen many replicas in the past, from Ferrari’s to Lamborghini’s but a Veyron replica is still not that commen, yet.
This Veyron replica is the work of a customizer in Poland. Underneath those ‘million dollars’ body panels is a humble Porsche Boxter. Despite being a replica, the workmanship that has gone into transforming the Boxter into this Veyron is absolutely flawless. Big credit to the customizer.
It is only if you look really closely, would the longer back end and the slightly different headlights give it away. If you don’t have a million dollar to spend on a Veyron, you can actually buy this because it’s for sale. The price? US$95,000.