Video: Mitsubishi Evo 8 Plunges Down Cliff at Pike’s Peak

Crashes are part of motor sports and racing drivers know that. People want to see crashes in motor racing. Motor sports are boring without crashes. But the recent crash at the Pike’s Peak championship involving driver Jeremy Foley and Yuri Kouznetsov is definitely one of the biggest in my list of “holy crap” motor racing crashes.

Foley misjudged a tight corner in a mid section of the course, carrying too much speed into corner, causing him to lose control of his Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 8 and send the car plunging down the steep and rocky cliff. The crash was captured in three different cameras, including two on board the car.

As horrifying as the crash looked, both Foley and Kouznetsov survived the crash. Both were taken to hospital and one of them had serious but not life-threatening injuries.